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Today is a New Beginning… Happy Easter.

Posted by: David Daniels on April 12, 2020.

I was literally inspired to copy and paste part of this email I received this morning for members of my 48Days Eagles Entrepreneurs Group. Not a plug for the group, just something well written I wanted to share:

In another story of captivity, under the Pharaoh in Egypt, the Children of Israel were valued only by how many bricks they could make each day. When they left Egypt it took years to get that mentality out of them – to move into being identified not by what they did but by who they were.

They were used to working seven days a week, to being defined by their productivity – and now were required to slow down. They were even instructed to take a full day off on the Sabbath.

Their path to freedom and the Promised Land involved a forced slowing down, having more time to examine “being” than “doing.” Unfortunately, there seem to be some parallels to our current situation in that those people on their way to freedom remembered enslavement as being more appealing than moving into more freedom, and potential peace.

This may be a kind invitation to create something new. Free from the addiction of productivity we have the opportunity to reexamine our “why.”

May today be a day of Resurrection – and tomorrow as well.

Dan Miller

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”Lamentations 3: 22-23 (NIV)

Our world will never be the same. We now know who the essential workers are. Happy Easter.

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