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Shark Fin Cove

Posted by: David Daniels on February 26, 2024.

I captured some footage during my most recent vacation. I was finally able to visit San Francisco and Northern California for a brief trip. It had been 15 years since my last visit to “Commiefornia”. Moving to San Francisco used to be a dream of mine, but everything changed after 9/11.

This is Shark Fin Cove – https://sharkfincove.org.

California is undeniably a beautiful state and a popular tourist destination, but my dream of moving to San Francisco changed after 9/11. Now, I am content in my new home and California has become a place I will only visit a few times a year.

That’a the update! I will leave more of life’s news here soon. Revisiting the old blog has been nice. See you soon. 🙂

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