Notes about Life, Web Design and maybe some random stuff on how not to use Social Media.
There’s a general sense that it’s bad for society—which may be right. But studies offer surprisingly few easy answers.… Read More »
Musk has described the Starlink setup process as “point at sky, plug in,” noting that the dishes have actuators that let them point themselves in the right direction. Recent speed tests by Starlink beta users found download speeds of 11Mbps to 60Mbps and upload speeds ranging from 5Mbps to 18Mbps.… Read More »
This is Tesla Technology! As a former Long Islander from NY, we all knew about the somewhat famous Tesla Tower, officially named the Wardenclyffe Tower. It was located in Shoreham, Long Island and the technology is over 100 years old. … Read More »
My friend, Russ, is back with another very informative video. This video is a very good run down of the Internet of Things (IoT) and how this technology can produce positive changes in our society and how it is improving our lives. My favorite example is how the city of Barcelona transformed itself into a… Read More ››
Let me see if I can catch my readers up on what is going on here. If my theory is correct this new technology will be launched just before this years election and will change humanity, in a good way, forever. The video explains the current theory going around the internet. The rest of the… Read More ››